Pukika OS is an application network that cover the different aspects required to operate a self-sufficient city. Its algorithms map the interaction between the ecosystem and the human economic activities.
For simplicity’s sake, the Pukika Development Model divides the operation of a city in 18 sectors that comprise all aspects of a modern lifestyle.

The application network consists of several software that interact with each other. They get input from users and sensors. These applications deal with urban planning, infrastructure management (e.g. energy grid), food production, manufacturing, monetary system, education, health and so on.
While Pukika OS deploys a certain degree of Artificial Intelligence, most of the decisions are made by people. They are made according to the communities needs and priorities, representing their cultural preferences and moral values. For example, while the AI may recommend a city produces pigs for food consumption, a Jewish community may decline that option and opt for sheep farms, even if they are less optimal for that particular ecosystem.